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Join the ASP Community

Join the ASP Community!

Are you passionate about astronomy education and making a difference in science literacy? The ASP welcomes all astronomy researchers, scientists, students and educators from “star gazers” to “explorers” to participate in and support our mission.

Membership with the ASP has a long-standing history over its 134 years and continues to change with the times. Joining the ASP is now at a welcoming and affordable fee of $20, with additional levels also available. 

ASP Community Levels

Level Rate Community Benefits
Friend $20 per year Bi-monthly AstroBeat – archives and current
Supporter $180 per year or Recurring ($15/mo) monthly support AstroBeat, 10% discount to Workshops, Gala, & Conf., AstroShop, acknowledgement in our Annual Report
Donor Any level $100+ receive a gift, plus acknowledgement in our Annual Report
Galactic Donor $2500+ Exclusive Invitations to Special Events, acknowledgement in our Annual Report
Annual Appeal $100, $500, $1000 Appeal Gifts Nov - Mar only, acknowledgement in our Annual Report

Get Involved! Join Our Mailing List!

Sign up for our newsletters to receive monthly Event Calendar with free webinars, workshops, conferences, and other noteworthy partner events. 

MyASP Portal Access

Friends and Supporters of the ASP Community, based on their level benefits, can use the MyASP Portal to:

  • Access AstroBeat and complete collection of articles (All partners)
  • Receive 10% discounts at the AstroShop, Annual Gala, and select events (Supporters only)