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Eclipse Ambassadors Off the Path

Frequently Asked Questions


Training Questions

When will the training occur?

  • All training will occur online and they are happening now - ongoing through 2023 and possibly beyond. Once partnerships are made, partners can proceed with the self-paced, online training. 

Do partners have to attend the same live sessions?

  • Partners are encouraged to attend the live sessions at the same time, but we understand that isn't always possible.

What is a self-paced training?

  • Eclipse Ambassador workshops are designed to allow participants to complete tasks in sequence, at times they find convenient over the course of 1-2 months. Initial activities with your partner leads to a series of online modules, and two 1.5-hour live sessions. The live sessions are offered frequently and at a variety of times to accommodate various schedules. We will regularly announce upcoming live sessions with plenty of advance notice so that you can plan accordingly, and if you’re unavailable for one, you can join a later session that works better for your schedule.

Are the workshop sessions recorded? Can I watch those instead of attending the live sessions?

  • All participants are required to attend the live sessions as part of their commitment in order to be certified as Eclipse Ambassadors.  If one of the two live sessions is missed, you can participate in the next one. We will record the sessions and we encourage participants to rewatch the recordings after attending the live session as a refresher.

How many Eclipse Ambassador Candidates will participate in each workshop?

  • Workshop live sessions are interactive, and can typically accommodate up to 40 Eclipse Ambassador candidates.  If one is full, you can sign up for the next one.


Program Questions

How many Eclipse Ambassadors are there?

  • At the end of the project we will have trained 1000 Eclipse Ambassadors which includes 500 eclipse enthusiasts and 500 undergraduate students! You can find the current Map of Ambassadors here. 

How long will I be an Eclipse Ambassador? 

  • The Eclipse Ambassadorship will be in effect until June 30, 2024, though we hope that participants never stop sharing their interest in astronomy with the public. All reports must be completed by this date. 

What is the opportunity to travel to the path of totality?

  • For the April 8th eclipse, up to 6 participants will be chosen to join the Exploratorium on the path of Totality. This includes a travel stipend plus room and board on the path and a viewing party for the event. Participants should be comfortable offering outreach at the event leading up to the eclipse with the possibility of appearing on camera for the live stream. More information will be available and advertised to registered Eclipse Ambassadors by November 2024
    • Ambassadors selected for the trip to the annular eclipse in Ely, NV are Giovanni and Kendra from CA and Jeremy and Andrea from NJ.

What further opportunities are there for Eclipse Ambassadors to engage with NASA? 

  • We're so glad you asked! Ambassadors are encouraged and given chances to partner with many NASA programs like Eclipse Soundscapes, GLOBE Observer, and more.
  • As part of the Heliophysics Big Year, in partnership with the Aurorasaurus project, undergraduate eclipse ambassadors can apply for a week-long Heliophysics Winter Field School in Fairbanks, Alaska in January 2025. Applications will open in the summer of 2024 for this limited opportunity; travel expense and a stipend will be paid. Priority will be given to those with interest in space physics graduate school, first-gen grad students, & those with limited prior exposure to space physics, are strongly encouraged to apply. 

What are all the stages of the program?  Here's the full overview: Three Stages of Eclipse Ambassador Program

     1. Partnership

  • Acceptance into the program
  • Partner with someone in your area (Partnership Packet)
  • Register on the Learn@ASP portal 
  • Complete the partnership tasks

     2. Training

  • Attend Live Session 1 (of 2): Building Your Partnership (Receive Toolkit Materials)
  • Module 1: Moon Observations & Lunar Phases 
  • Module 2: Eclipse Science & Safe Solar Viewing
  • Module 3: Inclusive Public Engagement
  • Module 4: Event Planning
  • Attend the Live Session 2 (of 2): Planning Your Eclipse Events 
  • Submit your Event Plan Assignment (Receive Official Badge)

     3. Public Engagement

  • Plan event(s)
  • Reach 200 people
  • Report on your public engagement (Student partners receive stipend)


Event Questions

Does our event have to take place on the day of the eclipse?

  • No. We encourage you to prepare your community before the eclipses. The goal of your event is to prepare people to have a great experience on the day of the eclipse, so having the event in the days and weeks leading up to the actual day is beneficial. However, if you are not traveling to the center path of the eclipse you might consider sharing your expertise with your community on eclipse day.  

What do you mean half of our audiences need to be underserved communities?

  • Eclipse Ambassador partnerships commit to reaching out to at least 200 people with eclipse engagement. At least half of those people (100) need to be from communities traditionally and currently underserved in astronomy and STEM. 

How do you define underserved communities? 

  • The definition of underserved will vary depending on your community, but in general, we mean groups traditionally or currently excluded from astronomy and STEM because of their race, ethnicity, immigration status, geographic location, language, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, neurotype, ability, religion, etc.

What if we don’t have a solar telescope?

  • Viewing a solar eclipse does not require a solar telescope. If you have access to one, great! It will provide a more detailed view of the solar surface and rim. A set of eclipse glasses and pinhole viewers will allow many people to experience a solar eclipse at the same time, and these are items that Eclipse Ambassadors will receive in their materials toolkits. Even items like the top of a sugar shaker or a colander will create solar images on the ground below. A nearby tree will also create myriad pinhole images from sunlight streaming between gaps in the leaves.


Have a questions not answered here or on our Application Page?

Send us an email: 
