Project PLANET: An Integrated Approach to Early Elementary Earth and Space Science

This project leverages resources developed as a part of the My Sky Tonight project to explore their usefulness in a formal, classroom setting. With our partners at West Chester University (West Chester, PA), the Lawrence Hall of Science (Univ. of California at Berkeley), and Rockman et al, we are working with a cohort of 1st and 3rd grade teachers to develop instructional sequences including a visit to a planetarium. The sequences involve shadows and the motion of the Sun (1st grade), and lunar phases (3rd grade). The instructional sequences use storybooks to engage students in exploring natural phenomena through making observations, recognizing patterns, and making predictions.
*Project Planet is based upon work supported by the Division of Research On Learning (DRL) of the National Science Foundation under Grant no. AISL #1813189. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation