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August 22-24

Education & Outreach Everywhere, All at Once

Astronomy Across the Spectrum

ASP2024: A Virtual Conference

ASP2024 Overview

Save! Early Bird Registration ended Sunday, June 30 8:59pm PT

About the Conference

Experiencing a rush of excitement post-Solar Eclipse? The ASP is gearing up for hosting our annual Virtual Conference – an affordable, convenient, carbon-friendly, online option for attending and presenting at a full professional conference in astronomy and space science.

Get ready for ASP’s 136th Annual Conference: Astronomy Across the Spectrum: Education & Outreach Everywhere, All at Once. If you’re involved in science education, outreach, and communication at any level and for any audience, plan to experience inspirational speakers & panelists, participate in engaging workshops & discussions, see your friends & colleagues from around the world, and share with others the latest findings from your innovative teaching & public engagement work.

Plenary Panelists & Sessions Now Announced!

Program Strands for ASP2024 Include:

Teaching Astronomy – New Opportunities, Challenges, Tools, and Innovations
Reflecting on the Solar Eclipse and Applying Lessons Learned Going Forward
Modern Astronomy and Big Data: New Challenges in Science Communication
Advancing Informal Astronomy Learning
The Planetarium at 100: Moving the Field Into Its Next Century
• Communicating Astronomy through New Media and Social Media
• Public Participation in Science via Amateur Astronomy and Community Science
Embracing More Inclusive Astronomy and Diverse Ways of Knowing & Learning
Addressing Climate/Environmental Science and Preserving Dark Skies

Colleagues from around the world are invited to share what they've been working on, and including best practices, innovative ideas, lessons learned, research findings, and evaluation results from the global community.



Late Abstract Submissions will be accepted through July 22. Acceptance will be based on available space.


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