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Past ASP Annual Meeting


ASP2018: Advancing Astronomy For All

Conference Proceedings Information

Author Guidelines

The ASP is publishing ASP2018: Advancing Astronomy for All proceedings through the ASP Conference Series as it has in past years, to provide a record of the conference and a ready reference for both those attending and those unable to attend. It also provides a publishing opportunity to all those submitting an abstract and making a presentation during the symposium. A copy of the proceedings is included as part of the 130th Annual Meeting registration fee.

Paper submission deadline was October 31, 2018.

Questions may be addressed to

Notes about the publication:

A timely publication of the proceedings is needed in order for this publication to be useful to the EPO community. To help us meet such a goal, contributions received after the deadline may not be included. If revisions were not received by the deadline, then the editors reserve the right not to publish the original manuscript. The editors reserve the right to edit grammar, some content, placement of charts, tables, etc., within each manuscript.

Each contribution will be reviewed by the editors for appropriateness, copyright issues, and duplication of information. Manuscripts that are of a commercial/for-profit nature will also be reviewed for appropriateness. The editors will notify individuals if there are any issues or if revisions are needed. Editors reserve the right not to accept a manuscript for publication.

All contributions must be original work from the author(s) or have the written authorization of original author(s). It is the responsibility of the individual submitting the document to obtain written authorization and provide it to the ASP in order for the submission to be included.

Post submission

We plan to pre-process your contribution to ensure it was received in good order, it is complete and within page limits, it adheres to Chicago Manual of Style rules, and the figures and tables follow the above-outlined recommendations on legibility and uniformity. While this is not a peer-reviewed publication, we still desire that it be up to the standards of one.

Thank you in advance for your contribution to the EPO community and the ASP conference. If you have any questions, please contact


The Editors
