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ASP2019: Earth to Space

Brandon Kline, J.D., LL.M.

Associate Director, Environmental Programs
San Francisco State University

Brandon Kline is a policy strategist and environmental attorney with leadership experience at world-class institutions, striving to create policies that will build a more sustainable physical environment. At San Francisco State, Brandon is developing a campus-wide environmental justice initiative, aimed at improving student success, increasing on-campus housing, as well as pursuing equity and social justice by empowering disadvantaged and underrepresented communities. Prior to San Francisco State, Kline was an advisor to the president of the University of California, assisting with digital media strategy and institutional advocacy for ten campuses, five medical centers, and two national laboratories.

For more than a decade, Brandon has been at the forefront of policymaking and saving the planet – from serving as a research assistant at the California Energy Commission to assisting with legislative negotiations of AB 32 (the California Global Warming Solutions Act) as an Executive Fellow in the Governor’s Office to helping create an NGO committed to providing justice for victims of abuse in Rwanda. Brandon has partnered with colleagues at Duke Law School and the Harvard Environmental Law Program to demystify the Congressional Review Act as part of Congressional oversight of the Trump Administration’s deregulatory activities. He has also authored and contributed to legal scholarship on energy markets, consumer protection, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, as well as the California Environmental Quality Act. Most recently, Brandon was named as a Presidential Leadership Scholar for his commitment to decarbonizing the nation’s energy grid.
