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November 18-20, 2021


ASP 2021: A Virtual Conference / Sharing Best Practices - Astronomy Teaching and Public Engagement

Abstract Submissions

Post Conference ASP2021: A Virtual Conference Proceedings

The conference will publish proceedings through the ASP Conference Series to provide a record of the conference and a ready reference for those attending as well as those unable to attend. It also provides a publishing opportunity for those submitting an abstract and making a presentation during the conference.

Updated Deadline Extension! After the virtual conference, all presenters who wish to have their work published in the ASP Conference Series volume must submit by January 31, 2022. This should be in the form of a short paper directly associated with your conference session or presentation. All contributed papers will be collected into a conference proceedings volume.

A conference proceedings webpage will be set up for paper submission and editorial details.

Registrants and attendees were able to pre-order the proceedings at a conference discount during registration or during the conference. We continue to extend a special discount through the attendee access portal.


The ASP strongly recommends that you read these Abstract Submissions Guidelines as a refresher if you submitted an abstract. We also provide a pdf file for your printing convenience.

The submission deadline was October 6 at 8:59pm.

Late Abstracts were accepted through October 24.




Any questions? Please email us at
