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Speaker and Panelist Biographies

ASP2021: A Virtual Conference

“Improving Astronomy Education: It’s Not Rocket Science—It’s Harder!“

Our collective efforts to improve astronomy education are expressed in a variety of forms and directed at many different audiences. To be successful in improving formal and informal astronomy education, we need to identify and address important problems effectively while measuring our progress and adjusting our approaches. We discuss a variety of strategies that have proven to be effective and efficient. We want to encourage your efforts while avoiding the frustration of approaches needing high activation energies. We discuss the development of new skills and approaches that lead to effective educational partnerships.

This talk can help individuals and organizations rethink their goals, approaches, roles, resources, and tools as they work to create short and long-term successes in supporting and improving the astronomy education system. We encourage and give some examples of how complex systems, such as the formal education system, evolve.
