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Free Live NSN Webinar Series: Are We Alone? The Search for Extraterrestrial Life in the Solar System

Thursday October 29 - 6pm PDT/9pm EDT
Live Stream YouTube Webinar

Join the NASA Night Sky Network on Thursday, October 29 at 6:00pm Pacific Time (9:00pm Eastern) to hear Dr. Kathy Campbell explore the what, how and why in the quest for ET life in the Solar System in the current and coming decades.

Little Green (Wo)Men are out; microbes are in. The search for life beyond Earth has recently accelerated since the lull following the Mars Viking missions in the 1970’s. Both the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ and Icy Worlds are receiving intense scrutiny. This talk will explore what, how and why in the quest for ET life in the Solar System in the current and coming decades.

About Kathy Campbell
Professor Kathy Campbell is a geologist and astrobiologist who investigates extreme environments as analogs for early life on Earth and possible life on Mars. She studied at UCSC, University of Washington, USC and NASA Ames Research Center before joining The University of Auckland in New Zealand in 1997. She is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Ap rangi, and is founding Director of Te Ao M rama – Centre for Fundamental Inquiry, a transdisciplinary research center exploring the origin and evolution of the Universe and its life. Kathy was a senior research fellow at the Le Studium Institute for Advanced Studies (Orléans, France, 2014), and a distinguished lecturer in international astrobiology schools in Spain (2016) and Thailand (2019). In NASA’s Mars 2020 landing site selection, her team’s proposal was chosen in the final three, with the aim to collect samples of possible Martian biosignatures from a >3 billion year old hot spring at Columbia Hills in Gusev Crater, and their eventual return to Earth in a future mission.
