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Facebook Live: How to Make Your Astronomy Event More Girl Friendly

Thursday, April 14 1pm PT
Facebook Live Event - Free

Join us as special guests of the Astronomy without Borders Global Astronomy Month celebration as we share and explain our new video series about girl-friendly public engagement!

Each of these five short videos corresponds with one of these welcoming concepts: Growth Mindset, Biases and Micro-messages, Representation Matters, Questioning Techniques and Dealing with Misconceptions. These will be useful for amateur astronomers, informal educators and anyone who wants to be more inclusive.

Speaker Bio:

Vivian White
Director of Free Choice Learning, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
I volunteered with Project ASTRO more than a decade ago and fell hard for astronomy education while finishing my degree in physics. I am currently the Director of Free Choice Learning, administering the NASA Night Sky Network (NSN). A community of more than 425 amateur astronomy clubs across the country, NSN supports club outreach and events with an interactive website and webinars. I design astronomy activities and demos specifically for informal settings, working with citizen scientists, Girl Scouts, Tibetan monks, and many others to expand the ways we learn astronomy out of school.

Theresa Summer
Astronomy Educator, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
I have worked in science education since 1998, mainly creating programs in planetariums and museums, but also in high school classrooms, teacher trainings and tutoring. I have two Bachelor’s degrees: one in Astronomy and Physics from San Francisco State University; and one in Theater, Education and Empowerment from Eugene Lang College, the New School for Social Research. My astronomical journey led from being the department tutor at City College of San Francisco, to interning at NASA Ames Research Center. I rose from ushering to lecturing at California Academy of Science’s Morrison Planetarium, before directing the programming at the planetarium at Orange Coast College. I had important time at Lawrence Hall of Science and San Francisco State University, before returning to the revamped Morrison Planetarium, where I was involved with opening the new museum and leading the planetarium presenter team. I then taught astronomy, physics, calculus and algebra for English language learners in an International high school for three years, before heading to the ASP.

Here, I have worked on citizen science projects (CosmoQuest), girl scouts (with SETI Institute’s “Reaching for the Stars: NASA Science for Girl Scouts”); amateur astronomers through the Night Sky Network and the Megamovie, and now with very young children through “My Sky Tonight” I totally enjoy meeting all the teachers, librarians, park rangers and all the wonderful people my job enables me to meet. My secret mission in life is to help people to understand that science is not just for crazed geniuses in lab coats, but is for everyone, and is an important part of being an active citizen in today’s world.

Lindsay Bartolone
Director of Education, Astronomers Without Borders

Lindsay Bartolone is a Science Education Consultant from Chicago IL, and serves as Astronomers Without Borders’s Director of Education and Community Manager. She is also the Recruitment and Retention Lead for NASA's IMAP Student Collaboration as well as the Communications and Outreach Lead for IMAP. She has been a Co-I on NASA's Science Education and Public Outreach Forum projects in the areas of Astrophysics and Heliophysics. She has led Education and Public Outreach Programs for NASA missions, including Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). She has also served as Director of Education at Adler Planetarium.

