Free Live NSN Webinar Series: Brief History of Everything with Patrick C. Breysse

Join the NASA Night Sky Network on Tuesday, May 28, at 6:00 PM Pacific Time (9:00 PM Eastern) along with Dr. Patrick Breysse where we’ll discuss how the Universe moved from hot hydrogen gas to what we know today!
Fourteen billion years ago, the universe was little more than a cloud of hot hydrogen gas. Dr. Patrick Breysse will tell the story of how that cloud of gas evolved into all of the galaxies, stars, and planets we see around us today. In the process, Dr. Breysse will explain how astronomers study the history of the universe, and how telescopes are secretly time machines that let us look directly into the distant past. Dr. Breysse will also talk about some of the great mysteries that remain in this story, and how astronomers are working in Toronto and elsewhere to solve them.
About Patrick Breysse:
Dr. Patrick Breysse is a Postdoctoral Fellow studying cosmology at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University. Patrick’s research focuses on a new way of mapping the distant universe which can watch the earliest stars form, study how the universe evolves, and look for new physics beyond standard models. He also plays the euphonium (kind of a small tuba), and enjoys hiking and science fiction novels.
The event will be streaming live on YouTube, but please note that questions asked over the NSN-members-only Zoom Q&A will be prioritized.