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Free Live NSN Webinar Series: What’s up with the Sun? Recent results from NASA’s Parker Solar Probe

Monday August 22, 6pm PDT/9pm EDT
Live Stream YouTube Webinar - Free

You are invited to join Dr. Kelly Korreck on Monday, August 22, 2022 at 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern, when she will give us an update on the Parker Solar Probe.

What is faster than a speeding bullet? What can fly through turbulence without fastening its seat belt? What can tell us about the origins of our solar system at the same time performing its main mission to understand our closest star? NASA’s Parker Solar Probe! The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) spacecraft was designed to solve 3 mysteries of the sun as well as the very practical goal of furthering our understanding of space weather. The talk will cover Parker’s measurements of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs- billions of tons of material hurling through space at millions of miles an hour - part of space weather), as well as recent Venus encounters and a few other surprises that Parker has discovered!

About the Speaker
Dr. Kelly Korreck is a scientist in the Heliophysics Division at NASA Headquarters, where she works with a host of NASA missions and works on science activation and education. Over 20 years working with NASA missions at various institutions, her research has ranged from the Sun’s coronal mass ejections to the remnant shock waves from supernovae. Kelly has also been involved in building spaceflight hardware, worked on a sounding rocket, and, most recently, co-led an instrument suite onboard NASA’s Parker Solar Probe mission.

The event will also be streaming live on YouTube, but please note that questions asked over the NSN-members-only Zoom Q&A will be prioritized.
