M. Katy Rodriguez Wimberly

Full Board Member, 2022
University of California, Riverside
Katy Rodriguez Wimberly, PhD is an NSF MPS Ascend Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Riverside. She studies near–field cosmology and galaxy evolution using both optical telescopes and cosmological simulations. In particular, Katy focuses on ultra–faint dwarf galaxies — researching these possible relics of the first galaxies ever formed to learn more about the early universe, how the earliest galaxies evolve, and how they can be used as a tool to learn more about our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Alongside her astrophysics research, Katy is passionate about outreach and mentorship. She is on the Board of Directors for the Astronomical Society of the Pacific — the oldest astronomical society in the country and leader in astronomy outreach. She has created Peer Mentorship programs implemented at her alma mater, UC Irvine, and within the Cal–Bridge Scholarship Program, where she serves as Director of Peer Mentorship. Her aim is to normalize a holistic approach to academic success and strengthen marginalized communities. Aside from all things astro, she’s enjoying her new life role as a mama! Family time with her husband, two daughters and pup is her favorite hobby — this includes lots of laughs, hikes and baby snuggles!