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Speaker Biographies

Plenary Abstracts

ASP2024: A Virtual Conference

Plenary Panel Sessions

Panel Sessions
Additional speakers, times, and dates to be determined

“Open Education Resources for Teaching Introductory Astronomy”
Andrew Fraknoi (Foothill College and Univ. of San Francisco), Chris Impey (Univ. of Arizona), Lauren Woolsey (Grand Rapids Community College), Allyson Sheffield (LaGuardia Community College)

"Lessons for the 2040's from the AAS’s Solar Eclipse Task Force"
Co-Chairs of the AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force, Rick Fienberg (American Astronomical Society), Angela Speck (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio), Deb Ross (Kids Out and About)

“NASA Science Activation: Igniting the Spark for Science Learning”
Lin Chambers (NASA Science Mission Directorate), Joëlle LeMer (Northern Arizona Univ.), Denise Smith (Space Telescope Science Institute), Michael Kirk (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

"On-the-Spot Feedback: Getting and Using Feedback During Engagements with Public Audiences"
Linda Shore (Astronomical Society of the Pacific), Dennis Schatz (Institute for Learning Innovation), Kelly Hoke (Oregon State Univ.), Suzy Gurton (Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ.), Jessica Sickler (Sickler Consulting)

Preliminary Topic: "The Planetarium at 100: Moving the Field into Its Next Century"
Panelists to include: 
Michael McConville (International Planetarium Society), Kenneth Brandt (Robeson Planetarium and Science Center), et al.

“Astronomy and Climate Change”
Travis Rector (Univ. of Alaska Anchorage), Ka Chun Yu (Denver Museum of Nature & Science), Paola Banchero (Univ. of Alaska Anchorage), Bernadette Rodgers (Willamette University Pacific Northwest College of Art & Portland Community College), Kathryn Williamson (Earth and Space Educational Consultant)

