Noel Encarnacion

Noel Encarnacion
Customer Service and Operations Manager
I am the Customer Service and Operations Manager at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP). I’ve been with the ASP since July 1989. My main responsibility is to make sure that the ASP’s online/retail operation and that of the fulfillment of Conference Series Publication orders and subscriptions run smoothly.
The longevity of my stay is attributed in my belief of good quality programs that the ASP has provided educators and amateur enthusiasts alike. Through the years, I have seen how ASP has evolved from a small organization to a big-time player in the field of astronomy.
Although my education background has nothing to do with astronomy, I am an avid fan of science fiction shows and movies like Star Trek, Star Wars and Japanime such as Gundam Mobile Suits and Mecha. I have a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines. I also finished my CMT (Citizen Military Training) with a rank of Cadet Captain and extended my training with the COCC (Cadet Officer Candidate Course) program at Camp Gen Emilio Aguinaldo in Quezon City.
Outside of work, I play and collect Lego. As such, I am known as an AFOL (adult fan of Lego). I attend Lego conventions across the country each year, with some of my MOCs (My Own Creation) in tow winning several awards with a few of my work being featured in Lego-related magazines, such as Creator based in South Korea, Brick Journal and Beyond the Brick in the US.