Conference Overview
December 3-5, 2020
ASP2020: Virtual Conference, Embracing the Future: Astronomy Teaching and Public Engagement.
Over 350 attendees involved in teaching science to students via distance learning, engaging the public with remote astronomy outreach, or doing hybrid approaches, anywhere and at any level participated in the ASP's 132nd Annual Meeting of the ASP - its 1st online!
All paid registrants will have access to recordings & documents. Visit our FAQs for more details.
#ASP2020Virtual #ASPmtg
About the Conference
Amidst a global pandemic raising challenges to education and public outreach, the emergence of genuine interest in social justice and inclusion, and global climate change, we invited K-16 educators and public engagement professionals in astronomy and related fields to share best practices, innovative ideas, lessons learned, research findings, and evaluation results to help us all move toward a better future.
Program strands for ASP2020 included:
- Online K-16 Teaching & Learning
- Public Engagement in Informal Settings
- Science Communication & Social Media
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice
- Climate/Environmental Science & Dark Skies Preservation
Invited Plenary Guest Speakers
Full Detailed Schedule with a Schedule-at-a-Glance in the Nav Bar
Special Event: Big Astronomy Planetarium Show
Special Conference Event: Thursday December 3
Open to Conference Attendees and the Public

Big Astronomy 360 Planetarium Show
with Guest Panel Discussion
The California Academy of Sciences has created a new planetarium show wrapped in an ecosystem of support, from live interviews to informal activities. Learn about how this NSF-funded project centers the people behind science in a new outreach environment. The 30-minute Planetarium show will be followed by a Panel Discussion. Meet the people who bring us the big discoveries in astronomy - visit the mountains of Chile where the world's largest telescopes are re-imagining our place in the universe.
Conference Sponsor
Prepare to be amazed!
#ASP2020Virtual #ASPmtg
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