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Speaker Biographies

Plenary Abstracts

ASP2024: A Virtual Conference

"Lessons for the 2040's from the AAS’s Solar Eclipse Task Force"

A task force of the American Astronomical Society spent a decade preparing North America for the solar eclipses of 2017, 2023, and 2024. Its activities included developing a website with basic information about eclipses, safe viewing practices, and eclipse imaging and video, along with resources for educators and the media; operating a mini-grants program to support eclipse-related education and public outreach to underrepresented groups on and off the eclipse paths; and organizing a series of multidisciplinary workshops to prepare communities for the eclipses and to facilitate collaboration between astronomers, educators, community organizers, government leaders, and tourism professionals. Everyone who participated in this effort learned a lot –– both from its successes and its failures. In this session we’ll share some of the most important lessons for the benefit of those involved in preparing for future solar eclipses, especially the 2044 and 2045 North American ones.
