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Speaker Biographies

Plenary Sessions

ASP2024: A Virtual Conference

"On-the-Spot Feedback: Getting and Using Feedback During Engagements with Public Audiences"

Linda Shore (Astronomical Society of the Pacific), Dennis Schatz (Institute for Learning Innovation), Kelly Hoke (Oregon State Univ.), Suzy Gurton (Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ.), Jessica Sickler (Sickler Consulting)

A group of science communication practitioners, trainers and researchers recently completed an NSF-funded project titled On-the-Spot Feedback ( The resulting work provides strategies and resources for science communicators to develop their skills at getting immediate feedback during their public engagements, which allows them to adjust and improve their engagements on the spot. Although this method was developed with scientists who communicate with public audiences in mind, On-the-Spot Feedback strategies can be used by anyone (including museum educators, science hobbyists, extension agents, etc.) who communicates ideas to public audiences. The panel will highlight the On-the-Spot Feedback (OTSF) project resources, including the 137 page On-the-Spot Guide detailing the OTSF approach, and how the OTSF strategies help scientists and other science communicators collect instantaneous feedback during their public engagements and improve their science communication skills.

Linda Shore will be serving as the Panel Moderator as well as a presenter.
