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Speaker Biographies

Plenary Sessions

ASP2024: A Virtual Conference

"The Planetarium at 100: Moving the Field into Its Next Century"

Ken Brandt (International Planetarium Society's Education Committee), Paulette Epstein (Michigan Science Center), UC Berkeley), Mike Smail (Adler Planetarium).*

Panel Moderator:
Michael McConville
(President, International Planetarium Society),

As the planetarium world looks back and celebrates its first Centennial, we are also keenly aware to define what the next 100 years of the planetarium field will be. Join our panel of experts as they envision what the second century of planetariums could look like - for primary, secondary, and higher educational facilities; for facilities with multiple theaters; for mobile planetariums; for content creators and science visualizers; and for a worldwide community that is more connected than ever before.

* Note: As of August 12, Mary Holt and Dan Tell are no longer able to attend and participate on the panel.
