Debra Ross

Debra Ross is the founder and publisher of the community websites (for parents who want to know what’s happening locally for families) and (for older adults who want to learn about local arts, culture, and recreation events). This network started in Rochester 23 years ago and now serves 52 regions in the U.S. and Canada, with 15 million visitors per year and 800,000 subscribers to a weekly e-newsletter.
Shortly after witnessing 2017’s Great American Eclipse in Missouri and understanding its implications for the Rochester area for 2024, Debra started the Rochester Eclipse Task Force. The task force grew to over 750 members across many sectors, and the Rochester area became known as the most engaged U.S. region preparing for totality. After the American Astronomical Society’s Solar Eclipse Task Force held its meeting in the Rochester area in 2022, they asked Debra to co-chair the national task force to help other communities learn from how Rochester has been preparing.