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Free Live NSN Webinar Series: Webb Community Events: First Images

Tuesday March 15, 6pm PDT/9pm EDT Live Stream YouTube Webinar

This special webinar is specifically designed for Night Sky Network clubs, however everyone is welcome to attend. Visit the links below for event viewing opportunities.

Join the NASA Night Sky Network on Tuesday, March 15 at 6:00pm Pacific Time (9:00pm Eastern) to hear Anita Dey and Holly Ryer share with us how Night Sky Network clubs can share with their communities Webb First Images.

Later this year, the world will get a “first look” at images from the James Webb Space Telescope (Webb). Want to learn how to share this historic moment with your community? Join presenters Anita Dey and Holly Ryer to learn about Webb Community Events and how to get involved! NASA and its partners want to share the experience of Webb’s first images with communities all over the United States, including yours. Our goal is that with your help, Webb’s first images will captivate and inspire a new generation of space science enthusiasts, reaching a broader, more diverse audience than ever before.

About Anita Dey
Anita Dey is the Coordinator for the Webb Space Telescope Community Events in National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Science Mission Directorate. She joined NASA in 2018 in the Office of Communications. Previously, she worked at the Federal Communications Commission in various roles involving international diplomacy, policy and consumer outreach.

About Holly Ryer
Holly Ryer is a Principal Education Specialist at the Space Telescope Science Institute. She supports STEM engagement programming such as NASA’s Universe of Learning, and outreach activities for the Hubble and James Webb space telescope missions. Holly is a former classroom teacher with teaching and curriculum development experience in Baltimore-area schools.

The event will also be streaming live on YouTube, but please note that questions asked over the NSN-members-only Zoom Q&A will be prioritized.
