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NSN Enrichment Series: Get Ready for International Observe the Moon Night 2022!

Wednesday August 24: 6:00pm PT/ 9:00pm ET
*ASP Partner Event

On August 24th at 6pm PT/9pm ET hear from the International Observe the Moon Night team on everything that is available to hosts this year. This webinar will prepare you to hold a great International Observe the Moon event!

International Observe the Moon Night is a time to look up with fellow Moon watchers worldwide, learn about lunar science and exploration, and honor our cultural and personal connections to the Moon. Find out about this year’s program resources, including a new Moon Map and Moon viewing guide, advertising materials, and social media shareables. Discover hands-on activities as well as tips and resources for hosting virtual events - and for evaluating them. Ask questions of the project leadership team and of other event hosts, and share your own ideas for event planning. Hosts will also discuss opportunities to stay connected throughout the year. Learn more about the International Observe the Moon Night program happening on October 1st, 2022 and how you can participate.

Hosts Andrea Jones and Caela Berry from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Theresa Summer from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific will guide the discussion with guests from around the world.
