C. Renee James (A Little Learning)

Dr. C. Renee James is a science writer and professor of physics at Sam Houston State University, where she has taught introductory astronomy since 1999. She is the author of two books, “Seven Wonders of the Universe That You Probably Took for Granted” (2010) and “Science Unshackled” (2014), plus dozens of popular astronomy articles.
How can we create student groups that merge naturally into a cohesive whole?
Imagine if science fiction’s plot tool of intermingling parallel universes mixed our 2020 with another Earth’s.
Anthropomorphizing robotic space missions via social media can help students better connect with their understanding of the solar system.
You’ll never watch “Finding Nemo” in the same way again.
To avoid the eighth-circle-of-hell tedium of grading, lean on your students’ collaborative creativity and have some fun.
A cautionary tale about never underestimating a class full of Astro101 students.